Church Donations can help a Church Grow Online

Bill Hybels once said, “The local church is the hope of the world.” Pastors and church leaders understand how desperately our world needs healthy and growing churches to beat back the ever-pressing darkness. The light of the church is needed now more than ever. It’s needed to shine brightly in the face of chaos caused by addiction, divorce, death, and overall spiritual confusion.

What if your church or organization had the power to reach out and save another church through a church donation? What if one donation could make all the difference in helping searching souls find the truth they so desperately seek? If you’re a pastor, elder, or church leader, would you consider saving one church? If a church is to grow, it must embrace digital technology to do so. However, this can be expensive. The simple fact is that your church donations can help a church grow online. A church’s online growth also leads to a direct increase in offline growth.

Who are we?

Church Web Fund is a Christian charity, dedicated to helping churches improve their online presence. We believe the internet is the next great mission field for the gospel of Jesus. Every day thousands of people in communities across the country are searching online for answers to serious spiritual matters. But, because many churches are falling behind with their online presence, their amazing ministries are being overlooked and under-utilized. Imagine if every person looking for help and searching for hope was immediately connected to a local church or ministry?

What is our Goal?

Our goal is for every church and its ministries to be at the top of every applicable Google search result. When searching online, people tend to click on one of their first few search results. Church Web Fund helps churches get better results in multiple ways. We start with a church’s website, making it as easy as possible for Google to see it in any online search. During this process, we fix any problems that keep it from getting higher search results. For example, speeding up a site’s load time can help improve results. We will then begin writing keyword rich content. This will dramatically improve where that church and its ministries are found in any Google search. Improving a church’s online presence serves a dual purpose. It not only directs individuals to the ministries of their church, but also increases the overall attendance of that church.

If you’d like to see the amazing difference the work of Church Web Fund has made, click HERE.

How do Church Donations can help a Church Grow Online?

As your church considers ways to make a meaningful difference in the 21st century, please consider investing in under-resourced churches, falling behind and failing with their online presence. The truth is that over the next decade those churches who do not pay attention to their online presence may not survive. We have seen this in the business world as brick and mortar stores like Blockbuster and Circuit City have been destroyed by online Giants like Amazon and Apple. Church donations to a Christian charity like Church Web Fund can make all the difference.

The best part about donating to Church Web Fund is that a seemingly small donation has the power to make a big difference in the life of a church. For $5,000 your organization or church has the power to give hope and a potential future to an under-resourced church.

But, it’s not only about the church. The real blessing behind donating $5,000 to help an under-resourced church is all the people your charitable donation will serve. Imagine all the children whose parents will now find help for their marriage. Imagine all the people who find hope for their finances. This is all because of your donation. Imagine all those searching souls being connected to the local church because of you. One donation has the power to not only save a church, but impact and influence thousands of people!

If your church or organization would like to take the next step and learn more, please click HERE. We’d love to meet you and discuss how your church donations can help a church grow online.