Church Marketing Resources

The good news is meant to be shared. Church marketing is all about getting the good news of Jesus out to local people and inviting them to a place where they can experience life change through Jesus.

If your church wants to grow and be filled with new local people seeking God, consider checking out the following resources.

Missional Marketing

Helping churches grow through digital technologies. 

If your church is looking to grow, it’s essential to be found online and proactively invite people to your church. Missional Marketing offers cutting-edge strategies to help your reach local people.  

Find out if your church needs a new website. Missional Marketing builds beautiful and SEO-friendly websites for every budget.

If you invite your local community to your next church event- they’ll attend! Missional Marketing runs ads on every major platform and can help you come up with an ad strategy that’s perfect for your event.

Connect with people searching for a local church who live nearby. Helping your church to be found in Google is one of the most important things you can do as a church.

Google offers qualifying churches up to $10,000 per month in Google search ads. Find out if your church qualifies.

What do some of the fastest-growing churches in the United States do for outreach and marketing? Find out now  in this free webinar and receive an exclusive Church Outreach Bundle valued at over $500.

Not sure where to start?  Chat with a coach:

Helping churches find clarity and confidence in their church communications.

If your church is facing a staffing need or church communications challenge, the Church Communications Group is here to help. Whether you need to outsource a staffing need or are looking for expert support on a specific project, they’ve got you covered.

Not sure where to start?  Chat with a coach:

Free Online Tools 

Find out how your church is doing with their online presence with these free tools: